Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 9/1/2024

01000 >>> 01210 >>> 1211

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1211 Responsibilities of Applicant/Recipient -

1211.01 Responsibility to Submit Identifiable Application - The applicant shall submit an application containing a legible name and address (unless homeless), and which has been signed.

1211.02 Responsibility to Supply Information - A client has the responsibility to supply, insofar as able, information essential to the establishment of eligibility.

Information, which is "time-sensitive" and received in the office through a drop box, mail slot or other such manner at the opening of the business day shall be considered as received that business day. This policy does not apply to verification/information that has a time and date stamp, such as e-mails and faxes. Those items are generally considered received the day of the date and time stamp. Information, which is received as a fax or copy, but is required in original form, shall be considered as received when the fax/copy arrives in the office provided the original document arrives in a timely manner as determined at the local level. In general, a fax or copy of a document shall be acceptable without requiring an original (including an application form or monthly report form). However, an original document shall be required for establishing age, identity and citizenship and alienage status, and when determined to be necessary based on prudent person judgment.

1211.03 Responsibility to Provide Verification - The client has primary responsibility for providing verification (certain exceptions to these requirements are specified in the verification section). See 1330.

1211.04 Responsibility to Authorize Release of Information - A client has the responsibility to give written permission for release of information when needed.

1211.05 Responsibility to Report Changes - Persons have the responsibility to report changes in circumstances within 10 calendar days from the date the change is known. See 7120 for specific changes that change reporting persons are required to report.

1211.06 Responsibility to Cooperate - The client shall cooperate with all program requirements and in supplying required information.

1211.07 Responsibility to Provide Social Security Numbers - Each applicant/recipient shall provide his/her Social Security number. See 2031.

1211.08 Responsibility to Meet Needs - A client has the responsibility to meet his/her own needs insofar as he/she are capable.

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