Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 9/1/2024

01000 >>> 01210 >>> 1210

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1210 Rights of Applicant/Recipient -

1210.01 Right to Make Application - An individual shall have the right to make application regardless of any question of eligibility or agency responsibility. The right of an individual to make application may not be abridged.

1210.02 Right to Information - A client has the right to be provided with information concerning the types of assistance, which are provided by the agency. Upon request, the agency shall furnish the client with informational pamphlets and will explain to him/her the categories of assistance for which he/she may be eligible and the eligibility factors for each.

1210.03 Right to a Private Interview - A client has the right to a private interview whenever he/she is discussing his/her individual situation with the agency.

1210.04 Right to Receive a Prompt Decision - A client has the right to have a timely decision rendered on his/her application. See 1405. A recipient has the right to a decision rendered on any other formal request (such as a request for information) within 30 days of its receipt by the agency.

1210.05 Right to Restored Benefits - If the client has been wrongfully delayed, denied, or terminated, he/she is due restored benefits.

1210.06 Right to Correct Amount of Assistance - The client, if eligible, shall be entitled to the correct determination of benefits based upon budgetary standards or allowances in accordance with agency policies.

1210.07 Right to Equal Treatment - All clients have a right to equal treatment in similar circumstances and no person shall be denied benefits or be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status.

The client has the right to file a discrimination complaint with either the Federal or the State agency.

1210.08 Right to a Fair Hearing - A client has the right to request a fair hearing on any agency decision or lack of action in regard to his application for or receipt of assistance.

1210.09 Right to Withdraw from the Program - An applicant has the right to withdraw his application at any time between the date the application is signed and the date the notice of the agency decision is mailed. A recipient may withdraw from a program at any time.

1210.10 Right to an Individual Determination of Eligibility for Assistance - A client shall be given an opportunity to present his request and to explain his situation.

1210.11 Right to Written Notification of Action - A client has the right to a written notification of agency action concerning his eligibility for assistance.

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