Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 9/1/2024

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8313 Client Error - Instances of client error which may result in a claim include, but are not limited to, the following:

8313.01 - Non-willful withholding of information from a one-time failure on the part of a client to report a change timely (see 7100), which affects eligibility when:

(1) - The worker has reason to believe that the client did not understand his responsibility; and

(2) - There was no oral or written misstatement by the client, or

8313.02 - Willful withholding of information such as:

(1) - Misstatement (oral or written) made by the client in response to oral or written questions from the agency;

(2) - Failure by the client to report a change timely (see 7100), which affects eligibility;

(3) - Failure by the client to report the receipt of a medical coverage payment which he/she knows, or should know, is incorrect;

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