Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 9/1/2024

06000 >>> 06200 >>> 6220

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6220 Wages from a business - When a business owner pays themselves a wage from the business, this is to be treated as a separate form of income and budgeted separately from the self-employment. Verification of the wages shall follow the Tiered verification policy. However, when the income cannot be verified using Reasonable Compatibility, alternative methods of verification are allowed. When income cannot be verified using Reasonable Compatibility, the individual’s most recent personal tax returns’ Form 1040 may be used if the individual indicates that the wages are only representative of those that have been paid from the business and not a combination of other jobs held. The total amount of wages to be used in the determination can be located on the 1040 Form under wages, salaries, tips etc. When no other verification is available, self-attestation of the wages is accepted.

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