Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 9/1/2024

06000 >>> 06100 >>> 6110

previous section06100

6111next section

6110 Prospective Budgeting - Prospective Budgeting is based on an estimate reflecting the income received and/or expected to be received going forward from the month of application. The basis for any estimate (including tips) must be documented. For self-employment, income shall be budgeted as outlined in 6200. For intermittent income, the income shall be budgeted as outlined in 6113. A prospectively estimated budget may be recalculated if information is received that the estimate is no longer correct (e.g., income that was estimated to be received in a month is reduced or terminated). The client must report their change of income, and the change shall be applied in accordance with provisions in 7000.

Earned income information, including pre-tax income deductions, must be analyzed to accurately prospect income. Past information must be evaluated to determine if it represents the future. Paystubs provided must be evaluated before they are determined appropriate to be used in the calculation of income.

If bonuses, tips, or commissions are on the pay stub, even when only included as part of Year to Date totals, these must be evaluated to determine whether this income is recurring. If the person is employed where tips are paid, it must be determined if tips are actual or allocated. (Certain employers must allocate tips if the percentage of tips reported by employees falls below a required minimum percentage of gross sales. To "allocate tips" means to assign an additional amount as tips to each employee whose reported tips are below the required percentage.)

Pay information provided must be evaluated to determine if there was a recent pay raise that will impact future earnings. Paystubs should also be evaluated to determine if there are any discrepancies in the year-to-date amounts. If so, the missing information must be clarified.

When using paystubs, the most recent should be used. Paychecks are deemed acceptable as proof of income when they are dated within the three months prior to the month of application through the final application processing date. Any paycheck received prior to this timeframe will be excluded from income budgeting. Budgeting methods take into consideration the variance that could occur between paystubs and the consumer’s self-attestation. Therefore, regardless of which budgeting method used, no paystub shall be excluded based on not quite matching other stubs submitted or the self-attestation of income.

When income is from a new source, the pay rate has increased (or decreased) or when the numbers or hours to be worked has increased or decreased, the income shall be budgeting using the income which is expected to continue in the future.
Weekly and biweekly income must be converted to a monthly amount.

Budgeting rules are also dependent upon frequency and regularity of income. The case record is to be documented as the method of computation. The following rules apply:

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