Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 9/1/2024

02000 >>> 02450 >>> 2451

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2451 Continuous Eligibility for CHIP - Once financial eligibility is established as of the date the case is processed, all eligible CHIP children shall be eligible for a 12-month period, unless pregnant (see 02510). This 12-month period establishes the review period for the family and the individual continuous eligibility dates for all approved members.

Children who subsequently enter a household, request assistance and are determined eligible for CHIP shall also receive continuous eligibility for a 12-month period.

When a family contains individuals eligible under any combination of poverty level children, CHIP, Family Medical, newborn or pregnant women categories, individual continuous eligibility periods may differ. Continuous eligibility periods will not always align with other household members.

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