Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Family Medical Assistance

Manual (KFMAM)

Eligibility Policy - 9/1/2024

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2032 Participation Without an SSN - If any client is unable to provide an SSN, that individual must apply for one prior to approval. The individual must apply for the required SSN at the Social Security Office and verification of application for the number is required. The individual who is unable to provide an SSN but has applied for one may receive assistance pending receipt of the required Social Security number. When the client submits proof of application for an SSN, the individual may participate throughout the duration of the review period. (This includes SSNs applied for through the SSA's Enumeration at Birth process.) If the SSN has not been reported by the time of the next review, it should be requested at that time. If the client has the SSN but fails or refuses to provide it, the individual is ineligible per 2034. If the client claims they did not receive an SSN, or that they received the number but have subsequently lost it, they must begin the process again by applying for a replacement card at the district SSA office. Once the client reapplies for a number and provides documentation, they may receive assistance until the next review.
Qualifying non-citizens under 2043 are exempt from providing or applying for an SSN prior to approval.

If proof of application for an SSN for a newborn cannot be provided, the SSN or proof of application must be provided at the next review or within 6 months following the month the child is born, whichever is later. If an SSN or proof of application for an SSN cannot be provided at the next review or within 6 months following the baby's birth, the State agency shall determine if the good cause provisions of 2033 are applicable.

NOTE: Based on SSA's Enumeration at Birth process, a parent can apply for an SSN for a newborn child through the process of initiating a birth certificate at the hospital. If he or she does so, documentation that an SSN has been applied for can be acquired from the hospital in one of the two ways. For hospitals submitting birth registration information to the Kansas Office of Vital Statistics electronically (through the Electronic Birth Certificates or EBC process), a letter on the hospital stationery is acceptable. This letter must be titled "Birth Confirmation Letter," contain information about the birth and a statement confirming the SSN application and be signed and dated by an authorized hospital official. For hospitals which do not use the electronic process, a copy of form SSA-2853 which is given to the parent is acceptable. The SSA-2853 form must contain the name of the newborn as well as the date and signature of an authorized hospital official to be considered valid documentation. A copy of the letter or form is to be included in the case file. If the letter or form is not available, a copy of the child's certified birth certificate showing that the Enumeration process was elected is also acceptable documentation.

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